7 Tips for Hosting a Holiday Party at Your Rental Home

by admin | Updated: Jan 22, 2024

It's the holidays, and we're ready to celebrate all things festive and wintery! After so many pandemic years of separation, many friends and family are ready to gather and celebrate. You have so many items to consider when planning and hosting a holiday party this winter, and if you live in a rental home — you might find a few additional considerations, too.

Check out these tips to plan the perfect holiday gathering.

1. Choose your health and safety rules

It's your house, so you can set your own health and safety rules. Remember that not all of your potential guests will have the same standards that you personally uphold. Make sure you share your health policies with your guests in advance to avoid any misunderstandings and to keep anyone safe who may have potentially vulnerable health conditions. Let guests know the house rules on vaccinations, personal distancing, hand sanitizer and masking — or when it's best to stay home. By sharing in advance you can avoid misunderstandings at the door.

2. Choose your holiday theme

What's more fun than a holiday theme? Are you interested in celebrating the longer days ushered in by the winter solstice by throwing a Yule party? Is your event going to have a dress theme like ugly sweaters? Choose a theme for hosting a holiday party whether simple or complex and use this to inspire your party decor. It doesn't matter if you prefer sparkling snowflakes or want to have the best alcoholic eggnog challenge — it's about providing a fun central point for your party planning.

3. Plan for seasonal sales

Food costs are over the top this year. Whether the cause is inflation, politics or pandemic shipping concerns isn't the point — it's how to afford that same holiday party your hosting. Track the seasonal sales at your local stores and stash away some goods ahead of time to get the best value for your money. You can store many types of meat, veggies and bread in your freezer.

You'll also likely want non-perishable items like cups, paper plates, plastic forks, sodas or alcohol and snacks like pretzels or chips. You can purchase most of these in bulk ahead of time and save for your holiday gathering.

people at a holiday party

4. Decide on attendee restrictions

Do you plan to host a party for all ages or adults only? Can guests bring a plus one or a plus two, three, or four? Are pets welcome? Does anyone in your group have dietary restrictions? When sending out your invites, let your friends and family know if there are limitations on attendance that they need to be aware of before showing up. There's no right or wrong answer — but providing this information in advance can help you get a better RSVP count and avoid awkward confrontations.

5. Check the calendar

It's almost impossible to plan a holiday party that won't cause a schedule conflict for someone, so check with your most vital guests first. You'll also want to be aware of any large community events and holidays from school or work too. Plan ahead as much as possible so your event can be added earlier.

Depending on where you live, you may want to check the weather as well. While great weather isn't a guarantee for the winter holidays, you'll probably want a contingency plan if your holiday party coincides with a giant winter storm.

6. Check your rental rules

Just because you rent, doesn't mean you can't have a party. Simply check your lease to see what celebrations are allowed and how. There should be no problem having company outside of community quiet hours as long as everyone is respectful. Verify where your guests are allowed to park in advance so you can control your overflow without accidentally taking someone's parking spot.

You'll also want to verify your rental rules for decorations — especially those outdoors. Some rentals may have limitations on what type of decor your can display on the home exterior, although few will have an objection to party decorations that only last a few hours. Do remember to also check what types of cooking appliances you can use outside if you plan on grilling or frying holiday foods. Many rentals have restrictions on larger grills, smokers or deep fryers. Even with restrictions, you should still have plenty of options to cook, but this way you don't risk violating your lease.

7. Notify your neighbors

One final rule is that you should notify your neighbors of any impending large group gatherings. Your neighbors will appreciate the notice about noise and excess traffic in the area, especially knowing any inconvenience is only temporary. In addition, this is a great way to meet neighbors you don't yet know. Invite them over to share a slice of holiday pie and use your holiday rental party as a way to build community.

Categories: Renters

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