Rental House Features to Prioritize and Advertise Due to the Coronavirus

by Cora Gold | Updated: Oct 9, 2020

Since the start of the pandemic, landlords have had to adjust to the changing times. You may have had an empty rental property longer than expected because so many people have had to stay home. Now that the world has begun to reopen, people are more comfortable with moving again — but they'll likely expect a few significant changes.

The Coronavirus will require landlords to change how they prioritize and advertise their rental house features. Check out a few changes and upgrades you can make to help boost your profits and secure new tenants.

First, adjust your cleaning protocol

A landlord wearing a glove while cleaning plastic windows.

Before considering a new rental home, prospective tenants will likely want to know that they'll stay safe throughout the touring and moving processes. They'll also likely be interested in living in a rental owned by a landlord that prioritizes their health and safety. Landlords should add new cleaning measures to meet these needs.

When you host in-person rental property tours for prospective tenants, they could unknowingly leave Coronavirus particles behind in the air or on surfaces. People will feel less inclined to view your property in person if they don't know that you've adjusted your cleaning protocol between tour groups.

We recommend leaving your rental home empty for at least 24-48 hours between each tour and then cleaning it before the next group arrives. Infectious disease experts have found that the Coronavirus can live on surfaces for various periods of time, depending on whether it’s porous or solid. Allowing the potential virus to die before cleaning the property top to bottom ensures your rental is safe. Make sure to mention these cleaning and safety protocols when advertising your rental and property tours.

Provide cleaning supplies to new tenants

A man holding a bucket of cleaning supplies while wearing cleaning gloves.

Once new tenants start moving in, they’ll appreciate finding cleaning supplies waiting for them. It gives them the opportunity to wipe down surfaces without unpacking all their belongings to search for the supplies they likely brought with them. You should provide sprays, wipes and paper towels.

Even though it may seem like a small effort, the thoughtfulness of this gesture will impress new tenants and reassure them they've moved into a rental run by a caring landlord.

Rental house features in high demand

Renters will prefer some rental house features over others when they’re ready to move into a new home, especially during these uncertain times. These features will help your rental stand out from competing properties.

Indoor amenities

A large TV room with a big couch and two chairs.

Most renters are spending more of their time at home instead of going out. They'll likely want to live in a home with extra bedrooms and more seating room in TV or game rooms for increased social distancing opportunities.

Landlords should also consider upgrading their kitchens. Tenants may prefer to cook for themselves more to avoid risky environments like indoor restaurant seating, so they'll appreciate moving somewhere with updated appliances and interior design schemes. An upgraded kitchen also increases your home's value — luxurious, one-time investments tend to attract many potential renters.

Working from home amenities

A home office with a wooden desk and chair.

An extra room or dedicated space for a home office is an amenity that’s become a top priority in the last six months. The pandemic has caused two-thirds of Americans to start working remotely every day, meaning you're more likely to meet with potential tenants who must work from home.

In addition to advertising extra rooms as spaces for home offices, you can also ensure that necessary utilities are already in place when tenants move in. Consider providing features like high-speed Internet bundled into monthly rent payments.

Outdoor amenities

An outdoor pool behind a house.

Allow tenants to have more fun once they move into your property by adding outdoor rental house features. Install a pool so it's ready in time for the summer, or build a small area with grills in the backyard. These both will make your property more appealing in a time when tourist attractions and public spaces aren't completely safe to visit.

Cost/financial effect on amenities

Landlords must prepare for the financial impact of upgrading their rental home features. Some amenities will take time to prove their return on investment. Installing a pool means more fun at home for renters, but it could also cost up to $55,000 in fees depending on your property's location.

Your future tenants will likely value rental house features differently than before the Coronavirus. With time and resources, you can invest in these and continue to find tenants for your rental homes.

Categories: Coronavirus, Landlords

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