When You Should Hire a Deep Cleaning Service at Your Rental Home?

by Muriel Vega | Published: Feb 8, 2023

Deep cleaning services can help you reduce your stress.

Life gets busy, and your apartment is the first to suffer as the dust and clutter start to build up. According to a 2020 survey, the average person spends approximately six hours every week cleaning their house, with 69 percent of those surveyed feeling like cleaning takes them away from quality family time.

While a rental house is not yours, you still take pride in your spaces and how to make them work for you. Even a once a month deep cleaning can make your cleaning tasks much more bearable and help you maintain a clean home for a few weeks.

What's included in a deep cleaning?

Deep cleaning doesn't just need to happen when you move in or out. A local cleaning service can come every 2-3 months at minimum to deep clean your home, help tidy up and target all dirt and grime in every nook and cranny.

Deep clean services go beyond mopping and sweeping the floors. Your cleaning service will wipe down ceiling fans and blinds, sanitize surfaces, clean the inside of appliances, cleaning baseboards and under all furniture. It's a more detailed cleaning.

Why you should hire a deep cleaning service

Take your weekend back, if your budget allows, and hire a deep cleaning service to lend a hand in keeping your home clean and tidy. But if you're still on the fence about hiring a deep cleaning service, here are a few reasons it's time to do so.

Spend less time on repairs

As more grime and dirt stay on appliances, counters and corners, more wear and tear will occur. No matter how long you stay in your rental home, you don't want to have to spend money on a property you don't own. A deep cleaning will help you spend less time and money on repairs during your lease.

Clutter stays on surfaces for more than a week

Life gets too busy to dust lamp shades, but if you start seeing that clutter accumulates on surfaces and you can't keep up, it's time to bring help. It doesn't have to reach hoarder levels, but if your apartment feels disorganized and cluttered, it can quickly overwhelm you and affect your mental health. Many cleaning companies also offer decluttering services if you need more help than just cleaning and a little help organizing your home too.

Create a healthier environment

According to the American Lung Association, indoor air pollution can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. Even with an indoor air filter, dust can lead to issues with breathing and allergies. It will also lead to bad sleep rhythm and increased dust mites in your home.

With a more consistent cleaning schedule, you can create a healthier environment in your home by cleaning rugs, carpets, fans, blinds and more places that gather lots of dust bunnies.

Get your security deposit back

Keeping your rental home impeccable with no damage and in good condition over your lease can be difficult, depending on your lifestyle, especially if you have pets. Hiring a cleaning company to do a deep cleaning every few months to keep your home in great shape will help you get your security deposit back. It will also help identify any needed repairs the landlord needs to address, or you need to do before moving out.

Save money on supplies

Beyond a surface cleaner and toilet brush, you don't need too many cleaning supplies in your hallway closet. While hiring a cleaning company is an added cost, they will bring the right supplies for the job, and you won't have to invest in more supplies than you need. Just like you're paying for expertise, you're also paying for those supplies and labor.

It's time to get a deep cleaning service

Your mental health can benefit from some help in the cleaning department, but you can also get time back in your schedule for other things — two things that reduce stress!

Hiring a deep cleaning service can genuinely help you beyond dusting some shelves. It can improve your life, reduce the time spent on chores and help you spend more time doing the things you enjoy.

Categories: Renters

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